Living Water Sponsor
As a Platinum Sponsor you will get a personalized thank you video,card and dinnerĀ from Khloe.
Your name will appear on email blast to our email list
Your name will be displayed on your website and social media for your donation
Your name will go on the credits as "Executive Producer" for the Khloe Kares documentary that will be filmed in Ghana
Your name will go on the wall plaque on the Khloe Kares Living Water water pump
You will have the option to place your name on chairs in the school where the water pump will be placed. (10-20 chairs)
You will recieve a invitation to the viewing of the documentary (10 tickets)
You will recieved a signed copy of the documentary poster
You will recieve a personal thank you letter from the students at the school where the water pump will be placed
You will receive a plaque for your contribution to the Living Water Pump